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Refund and Returns Policy

Your Satisfaction is Very Important To Us!

  • The order that have not been delivered shall be allowed with full refund but no refund would be eligible for completed orders as per the customer’s request.
  • we allow full/partial refund for orders that are not similar to the customer’s request. But the customer should provide valid proof to us within 7 days from the date that the order is completed.
  • please send us an email at : [email protected], for us to convey your feedbacks and reviews. We would respond you within 3 business days. If you have any issues you can contact us via email too : [email protected].
  • we suppose customer’s feedback as a higher accomplishment of our business to enhance and measure the quality of our products and services.
  • we do not all refund for unethical orders which are contradictory to our terms and conditions. They would be canceled and will not be liable to pay any refund.


  • It is not a complicated issue. You can simply claim your refund by,
    sending us an email at : [email protected]. or; call or text us at customer care Whatsapp number +1 720-805-5525.
  • But the customer has to wait until the promotion process period would be ended before requesting refund. It is maximum 4-5 days from purchase date.
    To complete refund, it takes about 2-7 working days from the date of confirmation of refund.


  • Credit/Debit card – your refund will go back to the same card you purchased on.
  • PayPal – It will be debited into the PayPal accound you purchased on.


If you have any questions concerning our refund policy, please contact us at clicking “Need Help?” button below:

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